Shocker: New York Would Ban Gas Stoves In New Buildings Under Potential Budget Deal Remember a few months ago when Legacy Media and their Democrat allies called conservatives a bunch of crazy conspiracy theorists for warning that the Left wanted to ban gas stoves? That Democrat-Media Complex episode occurred despite numerous bureaucrats and liberal politicians advocating the ban of fossil fuel power appliances and more. Well, now, New York is one step closer to banning gas stoves in new buildings. On Thursday, Governor Kathy Hochul (D-NY) announced that a budget deal had been reached that would prohibit gas hookups in new buildings. Existing buildings and gas stoves are not affected under this deal, it should be noted. According to Hohcul’s office, this would be an airtight ban as well. Katy Zielinski, a spokeswoman for the governor’s office, said on Friday that no such measure was included in the deal. “The new law will not have any loopholes that will undermine the intent of thi...