Unsafe & Ineffective: The Biggest Lie Ever Sold (COVID-19 Documentary)

 -- I'm a Vax injured person. The last 2 years I have been gaslit, patronized, dismissed, and mis-diagnosed. Recently I was able to finally get an appt with a doctor that treats long Vax persons. 

The wait time will be a total of 3 months, as my health continues to deteriorate daily. A week ago, my eye doctor informed me that I'm losing sight in my left eye. Surgery recommended but told it most likely won't do much good. Almost 2 1/2 years wasted that could have made a difference if I had timely treatment. But as it stands, it's hard to hold out much hope. Before the Vax, I had a good immune system. Never sick. Never took flu shots, etc. Even if I could half-way accept that mistakes were made in the Vax development.... what I can NEVER accept is the absolute denial of treatment. It's unconscionable and depraved, and I hope that those that are responsible for knowingly and willingly poisoned the population that they are supposed to protect, HANG FOR CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY. Don't ever let history forget what they have done. -- Jadedrelic 


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