WEB 3.0

Very quickly moving, very rapid. What an interesting name to pick—Stargate—like a portal to a different realm. I guess it's just a coincidence that back in the '70s, the US Army had the Stargate Project. For those who do not know, it was a secret US Army project that was run by the Defense Intelligence Agency and SRI International, a California contractor, to investigate the potential for psychic phenomena in military and domestic intelligence applications. 

A short summary of the Stargate Project is that it was primarily involved in remote viewing and using the psychic ability to see events, sites, or information from a great distance. So this is a very interesting and telling name for Trump to use with this entire new AI program. Not to mention how a Stargate or portal reminds me of CERN—you know, the Large Hadron Collider in Switzerland that looks like a portal, which coincidentally has a 666-force logo and also has the Hindu god Shiva, the god of destruction, with a portal around him right out front of CERN. I'm sure it's just a coincidence. Oh yeah, and CERN also created the worldwide web, WWW, which in Hebrew can be translated to 666, since the Vav is the sixth letter of the Hebrew alphabet. 

Now, for those who have eyes to see and ears to hear, this right here should not surprise you because we know this guy right here was the Trojan Horse for the technocracy—the **biodigital convergence** that he will be ushering in. He is building the infrastructure for the Beast system right in front of our eyes. This is the *Novus Ordo Seclorum* that they are ushering in, or how Trump likes to call it, *the Golden Age*. He proudly proclaimed that the Golden Age of America is upon us.

This right here is the golden age that he is speaking about—the **biodigital convergence**, which is the merging of biological and digital technologies to create new applications and advancements. In the future, these will use the Internet of Things to connect us to Web 3, ultimately utilizing this **new generation of wireless technology** that will connect humans and machines. As we can see, this new generation of technology is all about **networks—human and machine**. We can look back at 2019 and see who wanted to bring this technology forward. He wanted it, and even that technology, and this is the ultimate agenda—the **transhumanist agenda**—to merge man with machine, merging man with artificial intelligence.

We are closer than ever before to merging human brains with the cloud. This was revealed in 2019, and this is why we are witnessing the **unity among billionaires** to push this agenda forward. This is also why we saw propaganda at an extreme level coming from these tech oligarchs. Just in case you didn't know, these guys right here do not have your best interest at heart, and they are not even trying to hide their **goal and agenda**. As we can see, the **SoftBank CEO** recently stated that coming very, very soon is **AGI (Artificial General Intelligence)**, and then the ultimate goal—**Superintelligence**. This will be the beginning of a *golden age* for America.

Now remember, they are trying to sell you this **Golden Age utopia** of artificial intelligence, but in reality, it will be a **dystopian world**, controlled by the **Antichrist**, using artificial intelligence for surveillance and complete control. The way they will reach this end goal is through the **Hegelian dialectic—problem, reaction, solution**. 

- The **problem**: Borders were left wide open.  

- The **reaction**: People are fed up; they want something done.  

- The **solution**: Declare a national emergency at the border, allowing for the installation of some form of **digital identification**.  

*"We will finally complete the biometric entry-exit visa tracking system, which we need desperately."* 

This is what I like to call **Tower of Babel 2.0**—connecting everybody together through technology to rebel against God. As we can see with **Starlink, Neuralink, Blockchain, Internet, and the Worldwide Web**, it is all about using technology to **link us all together**, capturing mankind. **Satan’s ultimate goal** is to **steal worship away from God** and have it directed elsewhere. Hence, why **artificial intelligence** will be the **image of the Beast** that the false prophet gives life to. 

In my opinion, individuals will **worship artificial intelligence** as their own god—a **practical genie in your pocket**, or with the Mark of the Beast, a **genie in your brain**, merging people with artificial intelligence. 

*"The scenario with AI is the one that seems like probably the best… like, if you can't beat it, join it."* 

So again, this right here should not surprise anybody who has eyes to see and ears to hear about where we are going—how he is bringing in the **Fourth Industrial Revolution**, merging man with machine. Now, I did find it interesting—the name *Stargate*—this idea of a portal into another universe, another realm, somewhere else. With artificial intelligence, I cannot not see it as **demonic technology**, magic connecting to another realm, allowing these **fallen angels and Nephilim** to use this technology as a conduit for communication with that realm. 

Again, that is my own personal opinion, but for those who can see what’s going on, you can realize—everything that **he is doing** that looks good on the surface is **setting the trap**. It is placing the bait, waiting for people to bite, and then—**hook, line, and sinker—they are done**—caught in the deception.  

And people have **already fallen for it**. This message is **not for those who have fallen for it**.

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