The New Order of the Barbarians

The tapes, referred to as the "New World System Tapes" (Volumes 1 and 2), feature a recollection by Dr. Lawrence Dunigan of a speech given on March 20th, 1969, by an insider of a powerful order. The identity and credentials of this insider are provided in an interview with Dr. Dunigan on Tape 3. The moderator of these recordings is Randy Engle, National Director of the U.S. Coalition for Life.

Over the past 20 years, there has been much written and spoken by various individuals who have observed significant societal changes in America. When looking back through the history of the United States—and indeed the world—some have come to believe there is a conspiracy at play, influencing or even controlling major historical events, not only in the U.S. but globally.

This conspiratorial view of history typically stems from external observations—gathering evidence after the fact and concluding that a conspiracy exists. Their conclusions are based on a retrospective analysis of events.

However, what I am about to describe is not a case of hindsight. In 1969, nearly 20 years ago, I listened to a speaker who did not speculate about a conspiracy from the outside. Instead, he spoke from within—openly acknowledging the existence of a powerful, organized group with enough influence to shape major global events. He didn’t reflect on the past, but rather, predicted changes that would occur in the future, revealing the intentional direction of global affairs by those in control.


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