I invite criticism to what was offered by google research... Google of course being deliberately biased to the current administration. Also, believe what your eyes and bank account has seen in difference, and what the current administration has been doing to our country.

Here’s a comparison (By Google) of key accomplishments between the Trump presidency (2017–2021) and the Biden presidency (2021–present), highlighting their contrasting approaches and focus areas:

### **1. Economy and Jobs**

- **Trump Presidency:**

  - **Tax Cuts:** The **Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017** was a hallmark of Trump’s economic policy, reducing corporate taxes from 35% to 21%, along with significant cuts for individuals. Supporters argue this fueled economic growth, while critics say it disproportionately benefited the wealthy.

  - **Deregulation:** Trump aggressively rolled back regulations, particularly in the energy and financial sectors, aiming to spur business growth and job creation. This included loosening environmental protections and business regulations.

  - **Unemployment:** Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, the U.S. unemployment rate dropped to a 50-year low of 3.5%. Trump highlighted this as a sign of economic success, particularly in minority communities, where unemployment also hit record lows.

  - **Trade Wars:** Trump imposed tariffs on China and renegotiated trade deals like the **USMCA** (replacing NAFTA). Critics argue these policies harmed some industries like agriculture, while supporters believe they brought long-needed attention to trade imbalances.

- **Biden Presidency:**

  - **COVID-19 Recovery:** Biden's early presidency focused on pandemic recovery, with the **American Rescue Plan Act** injecting (STIMULAS) $1.9 trillion into the economy through direct payments to Americans, extended unemployment benefits, and aid to small businesses.

  - **Infrastructure:** The **Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act** (2021), a bipartisan $1.2 trillion package, aims to modernize U.S. infrastructure, including roads, bridges, broadband, and water systems.

  - **Job Creation:** Under Biden, the U.S. saw strong job growth as the economy rebounded from the pandemic. By mid-2023, more than **13 million jobs** had been added since he took office, though many argue this was largely a recovery from pandemic-related job losses.

  - **Inflation:** The U.S. has experienced high inflation during Biden's presidency, partly due to supply chain issues, pandemic recovery, and the war in Ukraine. The administration introduced the **Inflation Reduction Act** in 2022, which includes provisions for lowering prescription drug costs, combating climate change, and taxing corporations, but its impact on inflation has been debated.

### **2. Healthcare**

- **Trump Presidency:**

  - **Attempts to Repeal the ACA:** Trump’s administration made multiple attempts to repeal the Affordable Care Act (ACA), also known as "Obamacare." While the full repeal failed, Trump succeeded in removing the individual mandate, which penalized people who didn’t have health insurance.

  - **Healthcare Deregulation:** Trump’s focus was on deregulating aspects of healthcare to promote competition, including allowing states more flexibility in managing Medicaid.

- **Biden Presidency:**

  - **Strengthening the ACA:** Biden expanded access to the ACA by increasing subsidies to help lower-income Americans afford health insurance. The American Rescue Plan also provided additional funding to strengthen Medicaid and lower the cost of healthcare.

  - **Prescription Drug Reform:** The **Inflation Reduction Act** allows Medicare to negotiate drug prices for the first time, a significant change aimed at lowering costs for seniors.

### **3. Foreign Policy**

- **Trump Presidency:**

  - **"America First" Policy:** Trump's foreign policy was driven by the **"America First"** doctrine, emphasizing trade protectionism and reducing U.S. involvement in multilateral agreements. He withdrew the U.S. from international accords like the **Paris Climate Agreement** and the **Iran nuclear deal (JCPOA)** and imposed tariffs on allies and adversaries alike.

  - **Middle East Peace:** Trump brokered the **Abraham Accords**, normalizing relations between Israel and several Arab nations, including the UAE and Bahrain. He also recognized Jerusalem as Israel’s capital and moved the U.S. embassy there.

  - **North Korea:** Trump pursued an unprecedented diplomatic approach with North Korea, meeting with Kim Jong-un in an attempt to denuclearize the Korean Peninsula, though concrete results were limited.

- **Biden Presidency:**

  - **Rejoining Global Agreements:** Biden reentered the **Paris Climate Agreement** and sought to revive the **Iran nuclear deal** (though negotiations have been challenging). His administration has reaffirmed alliances with NATO and the European Union, focusing on multilateral diplomacy.

  - **Withdrawal from Afghanistan:** Biden oversaw the complete withdrawal of U.S. troops from Afghanistan in 2021, ending a 20-year war. The chaotic withdrawal drew significant criticism, especially following the swift takeover by the Taliban and the evacuation crisis in Kabul.

  - **Russia and Ukraine:** Biden has led a strong Western response to **Russia’s invasion of Ukraine**, providing military aid, imposing severe sanctions on Russia, and rallying NATO allies. His administration has framed the conflict as a defense of democracy and rule of law.

### **4. Immigration**

- **Trump Presidency:**

  - **Border Wall and Zero Tolerance Policy:** Trump’s administration prioritized building a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border and adopted a **"zero-tolerance"** immigration policy, which led to the controversial separation of families at the border.

  - **Travel Bans:** Trump implemented a series of travel bans on several majority-Muslim countries, which his administration argued was for national security purposes.

- **Biden Presidency:**

  - **Reversing Trump-Era Policies:** Biden quickly moved to reverse many of Trump’s immigration policies, including halting the construction of the border wall and ending the **"zero-tolerance"** policy that led to family separations. He also lifted the travel bans imposed by Trump.

  - **Border Crisis:** Biden has faced significant challenges at the southern border, with record numbers of migrants attempting to enter the U.S. His administration has been criticized for being too lenient, and immigration remains a politically divisive issue.

### **5. Climate and Energy**

- **Trump Presidency:**

  - **Deregulation and Energy Independence:** Trump prioritized deregulation, especially in the energy sector, rolling back environmental protections to boost oil, gas, and coal production. He celebrated the U.S. becoming energy independent during his term and withdrew from the **Paris Climate Agreement**, which he argued unfairly burdened the U.S.

  - **Environmental Rollbacks:** The Trump administration loosened regulations on greenhouse gas emissions, endangered species protections, and clean water rules, favoring business and industrial interests.

- **Biden Presidency:**

  - **Climate Action:** Biden reentered the Paris Agreement on his first day in office and has prioritized climate change as a central issue. The **Inflation Reduction Act** includes historic investments in renewable energy, clean manufacturing, and electric vehicles, aiming to reduce U.S. carbon emissions.

  - **Energy Crisis:** Biden’s presidency has been marked by an energy crisis exacerbated by the war in Ukraine, leading to higher gas prices and debates over energy independence. While promoting renewable energy, his administration has faced pressure to increase oil production to alleviate rising energy costs.

### **6. Social Issues**

- **Trump Presidency:**

  - **Supreme Court Appointments:** Trump appointed three conservative justices to the U.S. Supreme Court—**Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh,** and **Amy Coney Barrett**—which shifted the Court’s balance to the right. This has had a lasting impact, including on rulings such as the reversal of **Roe v. Wade**.

  - **Law and Order:** Trump positioned himself as a "law and order" president, responding to the 2020 protests and riots with calls for greater police funding and harsher penalties for violent demonstrators.

- **Biden Presidency:**

  - **LGBTQ+ Rights:** Biden has restored protections for LGBTQ+ individuals in the military and healthcare, reversing Trump-era policies. His administration also supports federal legislation to protect LGBTQ+ rights, such as the **Equality Act**.

  - **Racial Justice and Policing:** Biden has focused on addressing systemic racism and police reform, supporting measures like the **George Floyd Justice in Policing Act**. His administration has allocated funding to address racial disparities in housing, education, and healthcare.

### **Conclusion:**

Both Trump and Biden have had markedly different presidencies, reflecting their distinct political ideologies. Trump's presidency focused on deregulation, economic nationalism, and conservative social policies, while Biden's has been centered on rebuilding after the pandemic, addressing climate change, and restoring U.S. alliances. Each administration's accomplishments resonate differently depending on one's political views, and their long-term impacts on the country are still unfolding.


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