FEMA's New Playbook: Save the LGBT and Leave the Rest to Rot

You might think this shocking story is one big conspiracy theory. But you'd be wrong—or, if it is, blame the New York Post for this sensational bombshell.

The federal government never ceases to amaze.

When disaster strikes, you'd think FEMA would have a pretty simple mission: get in, help as many people as possible, and save lives. But apparently, that's a little too "old school" for today's disaster relief experts.

Now, it's not about helping the greatest number of people—no, that would be too utilitarian. Instead, welcome to FEMA 2.0, where "disaster equity" reigns supreme, and some lives, particularly LGBT lives, matter more than others.

In a 2023 webinar titled "Helping LGBTQIA+ Survivors Before Disasters"—because, of course, we need a whole seminar on this—FEMA's top minds and other federal health and disaster officials decided to lay it all out.

The goal?

Move away from those tired old policies that benefit everyone equally and focus on the real priority: serving specific groups based on innate characteristics like sexual orientation and gender identity.


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