"Debunking the Mystery: The Alleged Soviet Attack on a U.S. Moon Base"

This Should Be on The News No One Is Talking About This

A Wikileaks document from its Global Intelligence archives has stirred discussion for nearly four years. This document, attributed to the U.S. State Department’s Office of European and Eurasian Affairs, bears the intriguing title: *Report on the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics' Destruction of a Clandestine United States Base on the Moon.* However, for years, no digital copy was available. After two years of submitting Freedom of Information Act requests, the complete document has finally been disclosed.

When this document was first published in the Wikileaks database and later discovered by users, it sparked intense speculation about its true significance, particularly in relation to a real U.S. project to detonate a nuclear bomb on the moon. Despite this, upon closer review, the document reveals itself to be far less sensational. It is, in fact, a letter addressing a 1979 inquiry made by former House of Representatives member Samuel Devine. The correspondence, written by Douglas J. Bennett Jr., Under Secretary for Congressional Relations at the State Department, clarifies that the claim regarding the Soviet Union's destruction of a U.S. lunar facility in 1977 was merely a misunderstanding.


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