...Reports of a biker convoy—a rally movement—heading to Aurora, Colorado.

 This is a major breaking emergency: more buildings and apartment complexes are being taken over by gangs. The Mayor of Aurora, Colorado, has issued a new warning, suggesting that these gangs might be funded and placed there deliberately. This is what he's telling us right now.

We're also receiving reports of a biker convoy—a rally movement—heading to Aurora, Colorado. This is trending on social media as we speak. The situation is escalating quickly, and more details are emerging by the minute.

New apartment buildings have reportedly been overtaken, and the potential for a major biker convoy heading to Aurora is growing. Social media is buzzing with mentions of biker movements heading in that direction. 

There are even talks of biker gangs, possibly including the Hell's Angels, making their way to Aurora. Though unconfirmed, the speculation is spreading rapidly, with people trying to organize a massive convoy to apply pressure on both the government and the organizations, specifically the TDA, the Tren de Aragua, which is reportedly taking over parts of Aurora.

Furthermore, reports are now suggesting that this situation is expanding beyond Aurora, with parts of Denver also being affected. Allegedly, three different apartment complexes have been taken over by this organization.


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