Gigglin's Island

Just sit right back as the Dems implore,  

The swing states Trump will flip once more.  

Now comes the open, poor Joe's sinking ship,  

We all know Big Mike, Obama, and the slip.  

Joe was pushed away, too many's democracy,  

Securing the narrative, hiding hypocrisy.  

Mary started spinning, trying to fake her way,  

But you know she's lying when she starts to sway.  

"Democracy would be lost!" they shout at great cost,  

The Democrats now hoping, but many feel lost.  

The giggling Socialist, still up for debate,  

Is she Indian, black, or is she white by fate?  

She’s the daughter of power, or so some claim,  

But all we hear is the same tired game.  

Giggling and laughing, putting on a show,  

But where this leads, we may never know.


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