FIGHT THE "ONLINE CENSORSHIP" BILL... Demand that Peter Dutton and the Libs & Nats oppose the Combatting Misinfo & Disinfo Bill

This is it – the government is about to silence you, and they’re not hiding it anymore.

They’ve brought back the Communications Legislation Amendment (Combatting Misinformation and Disinformation) Bill, and it’s more dangerous than ever. This bill really should be called the Online Censorship Bill because that’s what it’s all about. 

They want to control everything you say, read, and share online. This is a full-blown assault on free speech in Australia. You and I both know that once governments start dictating what we can say and think, we’re on the fast track to a totalitarian state.

They’re pushing this “Online Censorship” Bill by claiming that you and other Australians need to be “protected” from “misinformation”. That’s just the sugar-coated lie they’re feeding us. What this bill really does is crush dissent. It puts an immense onus of censorship on the already censorious Big Tech – those unelected, unaccountable corporations – and obligates them to silence anyone who dares challenge the government’s version of “truth.”


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