the 2 aw-dawms

A review of Gen 1 and Gen 2 and the aw-damns that were made in those verses.

You're correct in thinking there were two creations, they were Man and Mankind (a kind of a man). This is well known in Secret Society circles, that's why when NASA "landed on the moon" Neil Armstrong is quoted as saying, "One small step for Man, and a giant leap for Mankind". It also explains who/why Cain was concerned (afraid) about someone taking his life in the land of Nod when he was forced to leave from amongst Adam. Cain went to live amongst Mankind in the land of Nod and was given a "Mark" to let Mankind know not to harm him. Cain was a Man and had knowledge and skills Mankind did not pose. Cain essentially used his knowledge and skill and Mankind's labor to build the first city('s) in the land of Nod for himself and Mankind...


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