John Kennedy DELIVERS EPIC TAKEDOWN on Obama and Biden officials

Earlier this month, longtime FBI agent and SWAT team veteran Steve Friend came forward as a whistleblower to expose what he has witnessed happening within the FBI under Joe Biden’s administration. 

According to Friend, Biden's FBI routinely uses heavily armed SWAT teams to raid the homes of American citizens who criticize the administration. These individuals pose no danger and haven't even been accused, much less convicted, of violent crimes. The goal is not to bring justice but to terrify and intimidate Biden’s political opponents.

One striking example from last year involves the FBI's counterterrorism division raiding the home of a 69-year-old Red Cross volunteer named Joseph Bolanos. An anonymous tip claimed Bolanos was at the Capitol on January 6. He wasn't accused of any violent actions, merely of being present. It later turned out that this claim was false.


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