Israel accused of releasing Palestinian detainee with amputated legs to evade treatment

 Israeli prison authorities have released a wounded Palestinian detainee soon after her arrest to evade responsibility for her serious medical condition, her family and a rights group told Middle East Eye.

Wafaa Jarrar, 49, was violently detained by the Israeli army during an incursion into Jenin in the occupied West Bank on 21 May.

An explosive device hit the military vehicle transferring Jarrar to the al-Jalama military camp near Jenin, causing severe wounds in her legs, according to the Israeli army.

The circumstances of the explosion remain unknown, and no further details have been While in detention, Jarrar underwent the amputation of her legs in the Israeli Afula Hospital, and during that time, an Israeli court issued a decision to transfer her to administrative detention for a period of four months, subject to renewal.

After several tests, it was found that Jarrar had suffered other injuries, including one in the spine and lungs, so Israel announced her immediate release and transfer from Afula hospital to hospitals in the occupied West Bank, which her family considered a renunciation of treatment.

She is currently at the intensive care unit at Ibn Sina Hospital in Jenin.

Her husband, Abdul Jabbar Jarrar, had been in Israeli custody since February and is not aware of his wife's condition.

Home ransacked

Huthaifa Jarrar, her son, told Middle East Eye that the storming of the house was "brutal".

"The soldiers deliberately smashed the furniture, vandalized the contents, and painted the Star of David on the walls," he said. "They also shouted at my mother several times, demanding that she hand over any sum of money she had."

"When the soldiers didn’t find any money, they stole her gold jewelry and celebrated inside the house, chanting racist slogans," he added.

Israel accused of releasing Palestinian detainee with amputated legs to evade treatment | Middle East Eye


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