If the International Criminal Court (ICC) follows through on issuing arrest warrants for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

  If the International Criminal Court (ICC) follows through on issuing arrest warrants for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and other government figures over their alleged war crimes against the Palestinian people, United States lawmakers, both Republican and Democrat, are promising to retaliate.

In obedience to their Zionist masters, the U.S. Congress is clutching its pearls while threatening "consequences" following media reports about the Hague-based tribunal plans to take legal action against Netanyahu et al. for violating international law with their slaughter of Palestinians living in Gaza.

"The ICC apparently considers warrants on Israeli leaders for legitimate self-defense," snarled Rep. Brad Sherman (D-Calif.), a career politician who's a poster child for why we need term limits – Sherman has been a member of Congress for 14 terms.

Sherman continued to rant that trying to hold Netanyahu et al. accountable for their crimes against humanity will turn the tribunal into a "kangaroo court."

"President Biden must condemn this, and I know Congress will ensure consequences for such an absurd decision," Sherman further threatened.


Zionists aren't used to being held accountable

The reason these Congress critters and their Zionist masters are having cringeworthy public meltdowns like this is because it is so out of the norm for their war crimes to even be mentioned in the news at all, let alone a top international court seeking justice on behalf of their victims. 

Things are changing, in case you hadn't noticed. What was once unspeakable is being broadcast everywhere. What was once off-limits to talk about is conversation No. 1 right now, with the Zionists on full blast for their crimes.

They can't handle it and are attempting every old trick in the book to deflect, but it's not working anymore. As such, expect to see many more of these types of public meltdowns and threats as the Synagogue of Satan is systematically dethroned, brick by brick.

The ICC conducted an in-depth investigation into the actions of the Israeli military in not just Gaza but also in the West Bank. That investigation looked all the way back to 2014 when Israel fought Hamas in a month-long war, by the way, uncovering a trail of war crimes and other atrocities.

Since he is not used to all the scrutiny, Netanyahu is pressuring Biden to stop the ICC from trying to prosecute him or any other Israeli leaders.

Back in January, the International Court of Justice (ICJ) of the United Nations also issued a ruling calling it "plausible" that Israel Defense Forces (IDF) committed acts of genocide in the Gaza Strip.

In the view of Rep. Ritchie Torres (D-N.Y.), though, holding Netanyahu and the rest to account constitutes a "weaponization of law in the service of terror (that) cannot be allowed to stand."

"The ICC is propping up Hamas by attempting to punish the only democracy in the Middle East just for defending itself against barbaric terrorism," added Rep. Elise Stefanik (R-N.Y.) using the same tired and manipulative rhetoric to try to justify Israel's behavior.

Prosecuting Israeli leaders for war crimes "would be a fatal blow to the judicial and moral standing of the ICC," added Sen. John Fetterman (D-Penn.), another Zionist who believes that Israel is some kind of moral paragon that is above the law.

Then we have House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) who called the ICC's investigation "baseless and illegitimate," claiming any prosecution of Israel war crimes will jeopardize U.S. national security.

Like THUGS, members of U.S. Congress make threats against ICC if arrest warrants are issued against Netanyahu for Israeli war crimes - STATIONGOSSIP


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