Bobby could not be wanting to win the election with the VP pick & this was disastrous for his campaign! What was he thinking?

Nicole Shanahan is very much on the radical side of the Dems and complicit in the COVID 19 rollout. She is lethal in her very transhumanist agenda. Transgenderism is the portal into transhumanism.

RFK JR appeals to the old soft Democrats and Shanahan appeals to the Squad side of the Dems. Kennedy is building a bridge between the two extremes of the Democrat Party. RFK JR is running a POPULIST Democrat FJB campaign. I think the Shanahan selection will resonate with the BLM ANTIFA TRANTIFA crowd. Nicole is meant for optics and transhumanism as her tech background is the evidence.

The choosing of Nicole Shanahan is very strategic as it makes the ticket a man-woman ticket. Trump has a difficult task ahead now because he has to make a choice, will he choose a woman or a man. The optics of a man on a woman on the debate stage is a very tough nut to crack. All of a sudden it's man on woman, which is not going to play well to the female voter.

So does Trump choose a strong woman say like a Tulsa Gabbard who obviously left the Democrat party but is now in full alignment with Trump's policies and in full alignment with family, country and God.

If Trump chooses a man the optics of that debate will be very, very poor for the Republican Party, especially since Nicole has the ability to speak and again, I repeat she attracts the squad side of the Democratic Party, the radical side the BLM side the ANTIFA side the TRANTIFA side the trans-humanist TECH side. That's what she represents but that is what would be up against a man. This should get very interesting because now you have a populist right-winger, and you have a populist left-winger up against each other. Did Bobby Kennedy make this move to force Trump's hand or did he make this move to crush Trump if he chooses a man as his VP?

Imagine somebody like Tulsi up against a Nicole Shanahan who may be a patent and tech lawyer but also has never been in the military like Tulsi Gabbard has. Tulsa Gabbard is a soldier. That is a massive edge that she has over Nicole and the other massive edge is she is highly intelligent, articulate and could run the country. It would also show that trump is not divisive, partisan or sexist for choosing somebody who's an ex-Democrat. Tulsi Gabbard represents the working class as she came to be a soldier and remember, Tulsi Gabbard represents the working class and Nicole Shanahan represents the globalist billionaires bent on global control.

I had a discussion with a friend Jim Torma about the VP pick by Bobby Kennedy Jr. (Nicole Shanahan); my contention is that Bobby could not be wanting to win the election with the VP pick & this was (


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