The claim: Democrats held the nation’s longest filibuster for 75 days to attempt to prevent the passing of the 1964 Civil Rights Act. 

When senators want to put the brakes on legislation, they talk. And talk. And talk some more. That's called a filibuster.

Who holds the record for the longest filibuster? Recently a claim has made the rounds: "In 1964, on the floor of the U.S. Senate, Democrats held the longest filibuster in our nations history, 75 days. All trying to prevent the passing of one thing. The Civil Rights Act." 

One Facebook user shared a post with the claim on social media on June 5. She did not respond when asked if she had any additional comments. 

The Senate’s website states that the “longest continuous debate in Senate history” was about the 1964 Civil Rights Act.

Prior to passing the act, Southern congressmen signed the “Southern Manifesto” to resist racial integration by all “lawful means,” states the Library of Congress’ exhibit, “The Civil Rights Act of 1964: A Long Struggle for Freedom.”

The Library of Congress website states the Leadership Conference on Civil Rights led to an attempt to pass the Civil Rights Act of 1957.

The Senate site states President John F. Kennedy supported the act prior to his assassination and that President Lyndon B. Johnson encouraged Congress to pass the act in honor of Kennedy and to “end racial discrimination and segregation in public accommodations, public education, and federally assisted programs.”

Emanuel Celler, a New York Democrat, introduced the House’s version of a resolution on June 19, 1963, that would become the Civil Rights Act, according to an article in Smithsonian Magazine.

The House passed the bill on Feb. 10, 1964. It moved to the Senate on Feb. 26, 1964, and was placed on the Senate’s Judiciary Committee’s calendar, the Senate’s website states. The committee was chaired by civil rights opponent James Eastland of Mississippi.

According to Senate history, the issue was moved for consideration on March 9, 1964, when “Southern senators launched a filibuster against the bill,” with debates lasting 60 days.


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