Through Hydrogen Sharing, Toyota Could Majorly Disrupt The Car Industry

  • Toyota is determined to advance its hydrogen fleet and fuel options.
  • We could see the brand take a Supercharger-inspired direction with its hydrogen stations.

Although this home fueling system will be a challenge to get to market, Toyota is spearheading the ever-daunting question of climate change and how manufacturing can be used to combat it. As of this patent filing, it's clear that Toyota has plans to dramatically change how we see and use hydrogen at a consumer level and store it safely at home.

Moreover, Toyota's rough drafts of this system give us insight into what type of person could benefit from it and the adaptation of solar power, natural water/gas, and an authentication process via smartphone. As stations begin to pop up around California, Hawaii, and the East Coast of the United States, demand for these refueling stations and hydrogen models will continue to grow.

The main question, however, is if Toyota will focus solely on at-home fuel sharing or if it could take this to the level of what Tesla did with Supercharger Stations. The Mirai has made great strides and has been successful for Toyota at a small level.

A nationwide hydrogen harvesting, and storage expansion would open the gates for Toyota to do something much larger. With plans in the hopper for new vehicles using fuel cell technology, Toyota has to make a "Shared Hydrogen Network" that every owner can use and enjoy long-term.

Toyota's "Hydrogen Sharing Network" Could Make Refuelling Your Hydrogen-powered Car A Whole Lot Easier (


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