I was tolerant and open minded, up to this paragraph. -- An opinion on an indorsement for the Documentary "A Shot in the Arm"

A Shot in the Arm Documentary Treats Vaccine Denialism with a Dose of Empathy 

writer KEITH KLOOR writes.

"...Despite such a mindset, or perhaps because of it, Kennedy is surging as a third-party presidential candidate. Comedians have mocked him, and family members have deplored and condemned his views. It hasn’t mattered. (Like Donald Trump, Kennedy’s superpower is shamelessness.) So perhaps it is time, as Leask suggests, to engage with whatever is roiling the people who seem drawn to his message..."

I can answer their driving, never-ending war against truth and reality. The Government weaponized medicine. They not only whored out the FDA, but they had the CDC also pedaling lies right from the very beginning of the vaccine campaign.

I am all for medicine and cures that have actually benefitted the human race, but too many lies have been uncovered now from the past.  The shots were never mandated, but those who ran their mom-and-pop stores were.  They were threatened and when didn't comply, they were closed down. Not only did we witness tyranny by our government to our mom-and-pop businesses, but we watched on as the government propaganda began to seep into the Mainstream Media that nearly every average John and Jane T. Public watched, while the rest of us who DID see it, were stomped and called RACISTS and Vaccine deniers. 

Well, there was no denying the actual facts that were missing during the so-called Pandemic.  There were a record 16,000 people died the very same day they rolled up their sleeves to take an experimental shot that supposedly could cure a virus that was never isolated in a medical institution. 

And the vaccine programming was a stunning runaway spike protein. So much for creating variants for so-called cures, that was the idea behind the mRNA programing that the vaccine was supposed to do on a genetic level.  Also, on many occasions, the Nuremberg code was ignored.

Everyone should keep in mind while reading this sympathetic documentary supporter, that he has also mingled politics into the blog/article.   Wasn't this article supposed to be about medicine and trusting the Science?

Keep your eyes on the Truth, brothers and sisters. Facts don't care about politics and lies.



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