Biden Receives the "OSnoba"

Biden, very much a swampy, career politician, never quite felt like a natural extension of Obama, very much part of the new breed of far leftism infesting the Democratic Party (think the “squad.”)

It doesn’t help dispel the odd couple vibe that Obama, for the many, many, many faults he has, at least has some semblance of a human personality — whereas Biden has all the charisma of a comatose wildebeest.

Obama’s personality largely stems from his speaking ability, and it’s an ability the man clearly puts time and effort into. Whatever you may think of the man, when Obama speaks, it’s very deliberate, crafted and curated.

So, when Obama mentions — or doesn’t mention — something when speaking publicly, people take notice.

In a less-than-glowing Sunday article from The Washington Post, the outlet that threatens democracy with darkness (or something to that effect) chronicled the way in which Democrats are furiously working to overturn the less-than-stellar image of the incumbent president — except for Obama.


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