Allen Dulles, former Director of the Central Intelligence Agency, will explain the thinking behind various operations conducted by the CIA during his tenure as its head (1953-1961) on the CBS news special report "In the Pay of the CIA: An American Dilemma, " The broadcast will be seen Monday, March 13 at 10:00 to 11:00 p.m., Eastern standard time in color on the CBS television network.

Former Senator Barry Goldwater and Senators Wayne Morse (Dem. Ore.) and Eugene McCarthy (Dem. Minn.) will also give their views on the secret CIA payments. Goldwater will be seen as he spoke during a February 26th, 1967 "Face the Nation" interview.

The broadcast will present many of the persons involved in recently revealed secret payments by the CIA, through legitimate foundations, to student, labor, broadcast and other organizations. The implications to the American way of life of the secret funding will be discussed by all participants in the broadcast. Telling their own stories on "In the Pay of the CIA: An American Dilemma" will be Gloria Steinem, who headed the Independent Research Service and admitted taking secret CIA funds to pay for American students attending Soviet sponsored youth festi- vals, and Philip Sherl.e, former president of the National Student Association, who was the first to reveal the CIA payments to NSA.

Justice William O. Douglas of the Supreme Court will discuss the CIA involvement and their meaning to Americana. !'In the Pay of the CIA; An American Dilemma" is produced by Ron Bonn. Leslie Midgley is executive producer.


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