‘Global Warming’ Is Out. ‘Global Boiling’ Is In, United Nations Secretary-General Says

“Humanity is in the hot seat,” Guterres said at a press conference. “For vast parts of North America, Asia, Africa and Europe, it is a cruel summer. For the entire planet, it is a disaster. And for scientists, it is unequivocal – humans are to blame.”

The science is settled, according to Guterres, but it would seem the fear-based propaganda hasn’t worked in scaring enough of the world into submission. And so, Gutteres and his team have changed the talking points.

“All this is entirely consistent with predictions and repeated warnings. The only surprise is the speed of the change. Climate change is here, it is terrifying, and it is just the beginning,” he said. “The era of global warming has ended; the era of global boiling has arrived.”

It’s easy to imagine that Gutteres and the gang at the UN have a yellow pad that looks something like this:

Global Warming

Climate Change

Extreme Weather

Global boiling?

Would it surprise you to find out that Guterres is the former president of the Socialist International and a firm believer that the planet can only be saved by a team of “experts” and government control?

No, it probably wouldn’t surprise you; you’re a Daily Wire reader equipped with critical thinking skills. It’s easy to draw those conclusions if you pay attention.

Yet, it’s worth reviewing anyway that in 1999, Guterres gave an address outlining his desire for global socialism, and how his vision for the world would depend upon international organizations like the UN, global regulations, and cooperation between non-government actors.

He ended his speech, saying, “Dear friends and dear comrades …’We must not abandon utopia because the antagonism between ideas and reality is both the major dilemma of democratic socialism and its fascinating driving force.'”

Guterres is still pursuing that “utopia” and is using “global boiling” to enact it — with a sense of urgency, too. Don’t think, just do it, Guterres seems to be saying.

“It is still possible to limit global temperature rise to 1.5C and avoid the very worst of climate change but only with dramatic, immediate climate action,” he said Thursday. “We have seen some progress — a robust rollout of renewables and some positive steps from sectors such as shipping — but none of this is going far enough or fast enough. Accelerating temperatures demand accelerated action.”

Yet Guterres is wrong. The experts are not all-seeing Gods who can predict the future, much less the weather. As best-selling author George Gilder has long touted, the sort of central planning supported by Gutteres cannot account for “human creativity, which always comes as a surprise to us. If creativity didn’t come as a surprise, we wouldn’t need it, and socialism would work.”

What can work?

Gilder is out with a new book, titled “Life After Capitalism.” The book isn’t against capitalism — rather it argues that its critics and many of its defenders get capitalism wrong. The driving force of capitalism is not greed, rather it’s “creativity and faith in the future.”

In the book, which casts doubts on global warming boiling, Gilder writes, “Let’s assume, hypothetically, that Co2 somehow becomes a problem. Capitalism deals with problems by pursuing opportunities.”

Socialism deals with problems through more government control.

“Government mandates and directorates and global resets will not shape the future,” Gilder predicted in “Life After Capitalism.”

“They can only retard progress, and only so far as we let them, if we live in democratic countries. What will really shape the future is human creativity, and a new wave of technological entrepreneurs,” he added.

Gilder also warned, “More than ever in America, we face the prospect of a life after capitalism in its most negative sense: a life of scarcity, deprivation, and fear.”

And that is exactly what Gutteres has to offer: Our time left to save the planet is scarce — so is clean air. So we must deprive ourselves of modern technologies, conveniences, and abundant resources of energy. If you don’t, everybody you know will die from “global boiling.” The experts will save the day.

What a load of bunk. Socialists never change, but the words they use to sell their ideology does.

‘Global Warming’ Is Out. ‘Global Boiling’ Is In, United Nations Secretary-General Says | Women System (womensystems.com)


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