San Francisco area push to ban gas appliances amid blackouts is ‘pure extremist politics,’ CEO says

Homeowners and builders are calling a possible ban on certain gas-powered appliances in the San Francisco Bay Area an extreme move, forcing a region prone to blackouts to rely even further on an over-burdened electrical supply.

"This is just pure extremist politics being taken to the ultimate extremes," said National Association of Home Builders CEO Jerry Howard. "You talk to anybody in California, their electrical grid can't take the current strain in the summer, obviously, and you're going to add to it by making every car electric, every furnace, every air conditioner, every refrigerator, every stove electric?"

"Once you start down this path that gas is bad, it gives momentum to all of these extremists who are choosing to ignore the facts and pursue an agenda that is only going to cause more people to be paying too much for their housing or, God forbid, more homelessness in an area that's already ravaged by homelessness," he continued. 


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