The REAL Reason why EGG PRICES are RISING (and how we fix it)
Egg prices keep increasing. The price of eggs has got to be very expensive and egg shortages are not helping. Inflation is part of this problem but the main reason being the AVIAN FLU (Bird Flu).
Thanks everyone for the support! Remember to go out there and support local farms and farmers and if you can look into getting some chickens for yourself! Go out there and a make difference.
Acres Of Comments -
-I am beginning to believe that these things are happening deliberately to create a food shortage. It's not just eggs.
-Hi, one piece of info you missed is the head of this department was arrested for lying about the flu. They lied about the bird flu, and they knew it was a lie. They wiped out hatcheries, egg producers and backyard flocks. Look up the article on the guy at the top of this department. Good advice for anyone who can find a little place in their yard and keep a few chickens. Thank you for sharing this.
-Great commentary. However, don't think we can blame the supposed avian flu outbreak alone for the fact that grade A large eggs went up +450% from being a cheap staple two years ago. And considering that most companies across all sectors have had record profits during the pandemic speaks volumes. Companies aren't competing to bring us the lowest prices anymore; they're competing to see how high they can markup products and still move inventory. It's definitely a sad chapter in our history.
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