Who is "Jordon Trishton Walker"?
The key takeaways that I want to highlight, based on the results below are somewhat chilling in the context of the “pandemic,” Covid-19, Pfizer's and the FDA’s cozy relationship with China, and the timing of Dr Walker’s experience with the pandemic and all of its outcomes:
He helped create market forecasts for therapeutics related to oncology in 2021 (Operation Moonshot comes to mind).
He “conducted impact evaluation of Value-Based Payment models and COVID-related changes in hospital reimbursement policies for a US federal health agency”. (Does this mean Boston Consulting Group or Pfizer, or both were working with the US government to actually create POLICIES THAT AFFECT US TAXPAYERS???)
He took a BCG sponsored Mandarin (Chinese) language and business immersion course…RIGHT BEFORE THE PANDEMIC HIT THE UNITED STATES. Does this mean BCG and/or their clients (who are either Pfizer, the US Government, or both) knew that these vaccines would be (or were already) being made in China? Business immersion (I am guessing business terms and colloquialisms) was also a focus. Does this mean he and his clients knew in 2019 or earlier that a mass vaccination/pharma boom was about to hit that both the CCP (who control the Chinese pharma industry and, of course, all of the BSL-4 labs the research occurred in) & Pfizer et al would be partnered on?
He is clearly a marketing specialist in the pharma space. Was Dr. Walker one of the “Vaccine Confidence” team members that created the strategy to manipulate the American population into taking an experimental, and as we now know dangerous/deadly mRNA experimental shot?
Did he actually go to Yale? Only one profile lists his attendance there.
Original Project Veritas Story
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