Rookie Georgia police officer resigns after department bars him from expressing views on traditional marriage

Rookie Georgia police officer Jacob Kersey resigned after his superiors threatened to terminate him for expressing his views on traditional marriage, the Daily Signal reported today.

“If someone somewhere considers an opinion I have—that isn’t a direct quotation from Scripture—to be offensive, then that would be a fire able offense,” Jacob Kersey, the former officer, told The Daily Signal.  

Kersey, 19, who began working last May at the Port Wentworth Police Department in a jurisdiction just outside Savannah, says “everything was going well” until the start of the new year.  

On Jan. 2, Kersey posted a 20-word message about his view of marriage on Facebook. 

“God designed marriage. Marriage refers to Christ and the church,” he wrote, paraphrasing the Apostle Paul’s teaching in the Book of Ephesians. “That’s why there is no such thing as homosexual marriage.” 

Source DailySignal


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