Critics Are Calling for Beyoncé to Be Canceled After Controversial Live Performance

The UAE has strict laws against homosexuality.

Homosexuality is illegal in the United Arab Emirates. According to Human Diginity Trust, under the law in the UAE, prison time can be enforced for same-sex sexual activity. "Both men and women are criminalized under the law," according to the organization. "Same-sex sexual activity may also be penalized under Sharia law, under which the death penalty is possible, though there is no evidence that this has been used against LGBT people."

Beyoncé was criticized for performing in the country.

Like other stars before her, Beyoncé was criticized for performing in a country that is oppressive towards LGBTQIA+ people.One tweet from @douglasgrnwd, which has over 20K likes, reads, "No beef but I'm struggling to understand why Beyoncé, who has half a billion dollars, would accept 20 million dollars to make her debut performance of the Renaissance album, a record which lifts heavily from queer culture, in Dubai, a country where LGBT rights aren't recognized."

Beyoncé reportedly did not perform songs from 2022's Renaissance, which led another Twitter user to question whether this was on purpose. @PeterTatchell wrote, "#Beyonce performs in #Dubai's homophobic dictatorship. Ditching her own progressive values, she put a money-grabbing pay cheque before human rights. And sang no songs from Renaissance album, to appease anti-LGBT+ regime that has death penalty for gay sex?" (As noted by Gay Times, Renaissance features samples and guest appearances by several queer artists.)Another Twitter user, @yungbobbay, wrote, "Beyonce's first performance in years and she decides to do it exclusively for celebs and millionaires in Dubai after releasing an album celebrating LGBT culture… It's gonna be a no from me. Like, slay girl but also no, girl!"

Some fans defended her.

The concert isn't being universally panned, however. Some spoke up for Beyoncé's right to perform in Dubai.@NightAmorphous responded to @douglasgrnwd's post and wrote, "As a queer person from a country that doesn't recognize lgbt rights, I gotta say that this is a stupid tweet. Y'all want celebrities to boycott entire countries over homophobia? The government wouldn't care and it'd just hurt queer people in Dubai who want to see Beyonce."@irlboy6 posted, "idk man, idrc that beyoncé performed in Dubai. potentially her presence there spreads values that could further LGBT acceptance. someone tell me I'm being an insensitive idiot."@pathrique1 wrote, "beyoncé performing in dubai means being anti-lgbt??? then that means everyone performing in the US are supporters of gun violence, using that same logic. yall are dumb i swear."

Source MSM


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