
The "Missing Time" Situation And Why People Are Freaking Out Over It

  The Mud Flood Hypothesis posits that a significant, worldwide cataclysmic event—often referred to as a "mud flood"—occurred in the 19th century, leading to the burial of entire civilizations and their architectural structures.  Proponents suggest that this event erased advanced societies, such as the purported Tartarian Empire , from historical records, and that modern architecture with submerged lower floors serves as evidence of this occurrence. Critics argue that these architectural features can be explained by conventional reasons, such as changes in urban planning, building renovations, or natural sedimentation over time. Mainstream historians and archaeologists do not support the Mud Flood Hypothesis, citing a lack of credible evidence and inconsistencies with established historical and geological data. Recent archaeological discoveries continue to shed light on ancient civilizations, often revealing structures that have been buried over time due to natural processes...

Attaching unnecessary labels to those who never sought them does more harm than good

 I do not identify as a "Cis Woman." I am simply a woman.  Attaching unnecessary labels to those who never sought them does more harm than good,  forcing an identity that does not resonate with us.   I was born with female anatomy, which means that when I engage in a relationship with a male, I have the natural ability to conceive and give birth. My body was designed with a biological function—breasts that nourish infants, regardless of any aesthetic appreciation they may receive. Their primary purpose is not for display but for sustaining life.   There is a fundamental reality that exists beyond personal interpretation. There is male, and there is female. This is determined at birth and corresponds with biological sex. This is what has historically been referred to as gender. No amount of redefinition changes the fact that every human is born male or female.   How someone chooses to live their life is entirely their own decision. But persona...

We all know the classic story of Eve, the first woman, walking through the Garden of Eden. She encounters a serpent, and before we know it, humanity takes a devastating fall.

But have you ever stopped to wonder—who or what exactly was this serpent? Was it merely a cunning snake, or was it something far more sinister? The narrative of a clandestine relationship between Lucifer and Eve is not found in canonical biblical texts but emerges from various interpretations and apocryphal writings. One such perspective is the "serpent seed" doctrine, a controversial belief suggesting that Eve's interaction with the serpent in the Garden of Eden was not merely a temptation to eat forbidden fruit but involved a sexual union. Proponents of this view argue that this union resulted in the birth of Cain, marking the beginning of a lineage distinct from that of Adam's other offspring. This interpretation has been present in certain Gnostic texts and was later propagated by various groups, often carrying significant theological and social implications. Wikipedia In Gnostic traditions, the serpent is sometimes portrayed not as a symbol of evil but as a beare...

"Every Cell is RESETTING" | The Man Who Shocked Scientists

Dr. Donny Epstein is a prominent chiropractor and the visionary behind Network Spinal Analysis (NSA) and EpiEnergetics. His innovative approaches have significantly influenced the fields of chiropractic care and energy healing. Network Spinal Analysis (NSA): Developed by Dr. Epstein, NSA is an evidence-based chiropractic technique that emphasizes gentle, precise spinal adjustments. These adjustments aim to enhance the brain-body connection, facilitating the release of tension and promoting self-healing. Unlike traditional chiropractic methods, NSA focuses on light touches at specific spinal points, encouraging the body to recognize and dissipate stored stress. This method has been associated with the development of unique healing waves within the body, contributing to improved physical, emotional, and mental well-being. PubMed Central EpiEnergetics: Building upon the principles of NSA, Dr. Epstein introduced EpiEnergetics, a comprehensive framework that explores the conscious and eco...

Rob Schneider’s Message: Why You Lost | Bold Take on Politics | #robschneider #politicalcommentary

Rob Schneider doesn’t hold back in this clip as he delivers a sharp critique on the political landscape.  Aiming his words directly at Democrats, he provides a bold perspective on ‘Why You Lost.’ Whether you agree or disagree, his take is guaranteed to spark a conversation. Copyright Disclaimer under Section 107 of the Copyright Act of 1976: Allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, education, and research. More Brutal Truth News

The Gnostic Christ and the Serpent: Unveiling the Hidden Truths of Genesis

In Gnostic interpretations of the Genesis narrative, the serpent in the Garden of Eden is often viewed not as a symbol of evil but as a bearer of enlightenment. This perspective contrasts sharply with traditional Judeo-Christian teachings, offering a reinterpretation of the roles of the serpent, the Creator, and the acquisition of knowledge. The Serpent as a Liberator: Gnostic texts, such as the Testimony of Truth , suggest that the serpent who encouraged Adam and Eve to eat from the Tree of Knowledge was, in fact, a manifestation of Christ. This act is seen as a benevolent intervention, providing humanity with the knowledge necessary to recognize and transcend the material world's limitations. Rather than leading to a fall, this enlightenment is viewed as a crucial step toward spiritual awakening. In Gnostic thought, the serpent in the Garden of Eden is not a deceiver leading humanity into sin but rather a liberator offering the first spark of enlightenment. Unlike the traditiona...

Dan Bilzerian DOES NOT Care What ANYONE Thinks!

 And he really doesn't. He's totally in the loop about what's going on in the grand scheme of things. Dan Bilzerian, often dubbed the "King of Instagram," is renowned for his extravagant lifestyle, marked by high-stakes poker games, luxury yachts, and a constant entourage. In various interviews, including a recent discussion on the "RAW TALK" podcast, Bilzerian candidly shares his perspectives on wealth, pleasure, and personal freedom. He emphasizes his commitment to living authentically, stating that he prioritizes his own happiness and experiences over societal judgments. This unapologetic approach underscores his belief in embracing life's pleasures without being constrained by external opinions. However, Bilzerian's outspoken nature has also led to significant controversy. In a 2024 interview with Piers Morgan, he made remarks that were widely criticized as antisemitic, including unfounded claims about Jewish influence in historical events an...

DOGE - Madonna VOGUE Parody Song :)

Copyright Disclaimer under Section 107 of the Copyright Act of 1976: Allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, education, and research. More Brutal Truth News

The Trumpty Dance (Official Music Video)

Copyright Disclaimer under Section 107 of the Copyright Act of 1976: Allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, education, and research. More Brutal Truth News

Conform or be Cast Out!

 @gaytor10 - Every day is like Christmas!!! This administration is clearly determined to get the country on the right track, and run legally, as it should be!!! Kash is going to be a very busy patriot, but I know he will rock and roll and get both jobs done!!! Thank you, President Trump!!! ❤ MAGA!!!❤❤❤❤ Copyright Disclaimer under Section 107 of the Copyright Act of 1976: Allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, education, and research. More Brutal Truth News

Cobalt chloride, Sodium hydroxide, added to a drop of water. What does it do?

When cobalt chloride (CoCl₂) and sodium hydroxide (NaOH) are added to a drop of water, the following chemical reaction occurs: Dissociation in Water: Cobalt(II) chloride dissolves in water, forming Co²⁺ (cobalt(II) ions) and Cl⁻ (chloride ions). Sodium hydroxide dissolves, producing Na⁺ (sodium ions) and OH⁻ (hydroxide ions). Formation of Cobalt Hydroxide Precipitate: The cobalt(II) ions react with hydroxide ions to form cobalt(II) hydroxide (Co(OH)₂) , which precipitates out of the solution as a pink or blue solid, depending on conditions. Reaction: C o C l 2 + 2 N a O H → C o ( O H ) 2 ↓ + 2 N a C l CoCl_2 + 2NaOH → Co(OH)_2 \downarrow + 2NaCl Color Change: Freshly precipitated cobalt(II) hydroxide (Co(OH)₂) typically appears blue . Over time, if exposed to oxygen, it oxidizes to cobalt(III) hydroxide (Co(OH)₃) , which turns brown . Summary: Immediate effect: Formation of a blue precipitate of cobalt(II) hydroxide. With time (if oxidized): The precipi...

The Brutal Truth Show #6


Your Legal Weed is Full of Poison with Paige St. John

Just because weed is legal doesn’t mean it’s safe.  Despite its growing legalization across the country, a lack of regulation has led to alarming levels of pesticides and chemicals in cannabis products—posing serious health risks. This week, Adam talks with Los Angeles Times investigative reporter Paige St. John about her recent findings on contaminated products being sold in fully legal dispensaries and what it means for consumers. Despite the growing legalization of marijuana across the United States, their discussion highlights significant concerns regarding the presence of pesticides and harmful chemicals in products sold at licensed dispensaries. St. John's investigative work reveals that, contrary to consumer expectations, legal cannabis is not always subject to stringent safety regulations. This lack of oversight has led to the distribution of contaminated products, posing potential health risks to users. The conversation underscores the necessity for more robust testing pro...

According to Grok "What if all our lives are simply based and ruled with predictive programming?"

  So, the user's question is: "What if all our lives are simply based and ruled with predictive programming?" Hmm, this seems like a philosophical or maybe a sci-fi kind of question. Predictive programming is a term I've heard before, but I need to make sure I understand what it means in this context. First, I should probably look up what "predictive programming" means. Is it related to computer programming or is it something else? Let me think about how to approach this. Maybe I can start with a web search to understand the concept of predictive programming. So, I'll use the search action with the query "what is predictive programming". Wait, but I need to make sure that I'm using the correct terminology. Maybe it's "predictive programming" in the context of media or something like that. I recall that in some conspiracy theories, predictive programming refers to the idea that media and entertainment are used to prepare the pu...